Hanshi Peter Polander 9th Dan Okinawan Kempo
November 2023 - Warsaw
Another seminar of the International Okinawan Kempo Federation was held on November 17-19, 2023 in Warsaw. As usual the seminar was led by Hanshi Peter Polander, 9th Dan Okinawan Kempo. Hanshi focused mainly on refining the elements in the black belt versions (for other students the basic versions) of these forms:
- Naihanchi ShoDan
- Naihanchi NiDan
- Naihanchi SanDan
- Tomari Seisan
In the field of Kobudo, i.e. weapon forms, we worked on a Sai kata advanced version, Tanbo and Bo.
Hanshi, devoted part of his training to Bunkai, explained the details of joint locks (Tuite), from correctly
applied angles to the use of the body weight. From this perspective, it is clear to see why in the kata
versions for black belt, further movements are added and hand positions are changed.
Watch the video from the training camp:
See the photo gallery from the training camp:
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